AGESW is looking to promote the good news of its members, particularly its doctoral student members. We want to hear about awards, new publications, community engagement, academic milestones, presentations, and any other news you want to share. Please submit your news to us.
2021 Annual Awards Ceremony
Speaking Out against Anti-Asian Racism and Violence against Older Adults
Refreshed resources page for students, researchers, and practitioners—available to nonmembers for a limited time!
Did you miss one of our summer and fall webinars? Not to worry! We’ve placed them onto our refreshed resources page. We’ve included all three of our summer webinars on caregiving in the black community by Dr. Robert Turner, nursing home social work and COVID-19 by Drs. Mercedes Bern-Klug and Nancy Kusmaul, and loneliness and social isolation among older adults during the pandemic by Dr. Marla Berg-Weger. We included this fall semester’s recording from “Compassion in action: Social workers discuss infusing compassion in aging, mental health, and public safety” in collaboration with NC State University. We’ve also included several webinars organized by our doctoral student representatives, including this fall semester’s webinars on the academic job market in difficult times and the use of social media as a digital networking tool, as well as this summer’s webinar on how to publish in our journal, the Journal of Gerontological Social Work. And there are three fantastic webinars on preparing for a position in academia, too! View on our Resources page.